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Affordable Services, Big Results

We believe every and any business has the potential of getting better results with the help of tailored solutions and services.

Tell us about your needs and let us take care of the rest.

You Certainly Want Your Business To Succeed. Let Us Help You!


At ScoriLab, we fully customizable solutions that are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Whether you’re looking to establish a solid online presence, make big sales, or optimize your business to reach new customers, our team of skilled professionals is here to help.

Our comprehensive range of web services includes all what your business might need. We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality solutions that not only enhance your online visibility but also drive meaningful results for your business.

We invite you to explore our services and solutions and contact us today to get a free consultation. By partnering with ScoriLab, you can rest assured that your online presence will be in capable hands, allowing you to focus on what you do best – growing your business.

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Running A Business Can Be Overwhelming. The Good News Is,

We Are Ready To Help YOU.

Web Development

Get a professional website for your business

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A business’s online presence, regardless of industry, can have a massive impact on its success. In this day and age, some businesses still don’t realize that a majority of their customers will visit their website before making a purchase.

Having a strong online presence, particularly a website, can make or break for generating more revenue. Yes, the quality of your website impacts results, but the purpose behind offering this service is to stress the importance of making sure you have a professional attractive website. 

We have helped numerous businesses of varying sizes create their digital presence. In some cases, business owners are hesitant to get online because they feel they are not tech-savvy enough and don’t understand how to manage a website. Other times, they are concerned about the price.

No worries, we will not let these concerns stop your business from growing and prospering.



Market Research

Get the data required to develop your marketing plan

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Market research provides critical information about your market and your business landscape. Our unique solutions can tell you how your company is perceived by the target customers and clients you want to reach. They can help you understand how to connect with them, show how you stack up against the competition, and inform how you plan your next steps.

Our market research services can also play an important role in the process of developing your products and services, bringing them to the marketplace, and marketing them to consumers.

For your business, market research is a key component in developing a marketing strategy by providing a fact-based foundation for estimating sales and profitability. In fact, it can make the difference between making wise decisions that drive the business forward and poor decisions that can damage your business.

The competitive environment you face is increasingly challenging. It’s safe to assume that your competitors are conducting research to gain their own advantage. That may be the best reason of all to make market research a key part of your business growth strategy.



Google Business Profile

Get an outstanding GBP for your business

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When it comes to your business, it’s essential to let everyone know that your business exists. Even if you run the best real estate agency or restaurant in your area, you need to appear on people’s radar to be successful.

Potential customers are using Google Maps to search for/find a local business that potentially will contact for a service or a product. Without a solid google business profile, your business will not show up on the search results. First on the results page means getting more customers.

What’s the first thing you do when seeking the services of a new business? Chances are you look them up on Google. More than 60% of customers check Google reviews online before they decide which business to contact. Understandably, they want to check out the experience others have had with your company before they commit to you.

This is why Google reviews are important, and why you should put effort into acquiring them. The first thing that appears when you search for a business on Google is the business reviews and average rating, and if these are not good, chances are potential customers will go elsewhere.

We are ready to help your business have a professional GBP and get whatever number of positive customized reviews and ratings. The appearance of your business in the first search results is guaranteed.



Focus Groups

Get customer perspectives on your products/services

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Focus groups can be a great way for businesses to get customer perspectives on the commercial elements of their products and services. There are a number of things you can get feedback on, which can lead to great improvements in your business’s performance.

A focus group can be set up in order to test multiple elements of a business. For example, a product may be shown to the focus group before it is released to the general public. Other focus groups might want to analyze shopper behavior on a website.

No matter what is tested, the point of running a focus group is to analyze feedback from a sample size of the “ideal customers” in order to make the experience even better for the target audience.

At ScoriLab, we have been moderating focus groups for our global clients, which helped provide them with deeper production insights and achieve better financial results. Let us help you today and make your business prosper.



AI Solutions

Get AI-based solutions to empower your business

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Artificial intelligence sounds exciting and a bit scary at the same time, doesn’t it? Today tech experts provide more and more new opportunities for the realization of what we could only see in Sci-Fi movies. Even the futuristic world depicted in the famous ‘Black Mirror’ series doesn’t look so impossible and inaccessible anymore. Today’s business landscape is looking for new large-scale changes to survive and remain competitive in the upcoming years.

As our focus shifts — finally — from AI itself to the impact that AI can have on your business, the question is no longer how artificial intelligence technologies work, but what they can do for you. At its core, artificial intelligence is about automating judgments that have previously been the exclusive domains of humans.

Artificial intelligence allows looking at customer data at scale. You can then determine exactly what customers need to serve them better. It can also help you manage customer experience with a Chatbot that will work 24/7 providing your customers with canned answers and solutions while you are sleeping. 

Today, artificial intelligence is a transformative technology which available not only to technology giants and companies involved in the development of new technologies but also to every business and every industry, whether tech-focused or not.

At ScoriLab, we are ready to empower your business with our tailored AI solutions and make you reign over your competitors.



Business Intelligence

Get better analysis of your business data

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Businesses are moving at lightning speed to stay competitive. Obtaining an edge over competitors requires leveraging data to make critical decisions. Businesses have huge amounts of data that they can use to their advantage. Our business intelligence solutions help you boost productivity and ensure effective decision-making.

Organizations that leverage business intelligence have better control and visibility over their processes. It helps them identify and rectify errors or inefficiencies in existing processes. It also allows them to predict unforeseen challenges and act accordingly.

Finding out the root cause of a problem and knowing where and why the delays occur can prove useful for a logistics company struggling with late deliveries. This level of insight into business processes can also improve services.

Having a robust business intelligence solution empowers you to boost the efficiency of your business, improve overall performance and increase revenue. Making data available across all departments reduces the waiting times for report requests and increases the productivity of all teams with self-service capabilities. Data should be available to everyone in the organization. It helps teams stay informed and make data-driven decisions.

Our business intelligence solutions analyze customers’ behavior and buying patterns to help you develop products and services to match their needs. We can create for your business robust visualizations for sales performance, in-depth conversion rates, and total revenue analysis. Our tailored services gauge markets to identify potential selling opportunities and perform competitive analysis to plan future courses of action.




Adapted Contents

Get your contents in multiple languages

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A multi-language website will help you expand your reach and make contact with a much wider audience. Though 58.8% of web content is in English, you wouldn’t want to miss out on the 41.2% that could bring you big business. Plus, even if your audience could speak English, 65% are more likely to convert when reading product pages in their native language, and 40% wouldn’t even buy from websites in other languages.

According to the CSA’s ‘’Can’t Read Won’t Buy’’ study, 72.1% of consumers spend most or all of their time on websites in their own language. Having a multilingual site means that foreign customers who visit your business website are less likely to exit immediately upon discovering that it’s not available in their native language.

A website available in many languages is proof that you’re running a global business, which implies a degree of complexity, sophistication, and elaborateness – all of these things reflect highly in the eyes of the customer who’ll associate your business with quality and professionalism.



Market Trends Forecast

Get actionable intelligence for your market projections

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Gauging the current state of a market can be useful, but it is often more important to understand where a market is heading.

History is littered with examples of companies, even industries, that have made serious strategic errors due to inaccurate or incomplete forecasts.

Where trends and forecast information already exist, the first goal is to track down relevant insights before validating and synthesizing the data into a cohesive narrative that provides actionable intelligence.

In some markets, there may be no existing information. Therefore, a trends and forecast analysis will have to be built from the ground up.

The objective of a trends analysis is to provide a business on which market projections can be made.

Businesses use our tailored datasets combined with the power of historical data to forecast trends, allowing them to predict future changes and be better prepared. With hundreds of unique data points, be sure to have the highest quality data. 

At ScoriLab, we are always ready to help you prepare for future market changes, enabling your business with the required insights and forecasts.



Web Data Scraping

Get optimized web data to make insightful decisions.

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To achieve successful results, all companies collect data in one way or another. But manually processing hundreds and hundreds of thousands of data resources is a very monotonous and difficult job.

In addition, the monotony of manual processing can lead to inattention and, as a result, errors in data. Therefore, to increase the speed of collecting and processing information, many companies use web data scraping.

Web data scraping is used everywhere – both in small and big businesses. Our data scraping services will help you in getting millions of rows of useful data in a matter of few days. whether you need emails, phone numbers, or whatever data you decide essential for your business marketing strategy, or you need data scraping from major retail platforms to get insights about winning products, we, at ScoriLab, are ready to make any kind of scrapped web data available to your business.

At ScoriLab, we are ready and well-equipped to provide your business with whatever type and amount of data that would help you make insightful and rewarding decisions.



Blockchain Solutions

Get blockchain services to gain market traction

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Nowadays, blockchain is one of the key technologies driving business transformation. Although blockchain has gained significant market traction in relation to cryptocurrency or bitcoin, many people are still perplexed by the terminology. They still interchangeably use blockchain with the term bitcoin. So, whenever they hear about any blockchain development companies, they consider them cryptocurrency companies.

On the other hand, cryptocurrency is only one of the many applications of blockchain technology. It is built on a peer-to-peer topology that improves transaction transparency, data resilience, and security while lowering operational costs.

As a result, there is no reason to miss out on the enormous business opportunities that this technology can provide. In this article, we will discuss the various ways in which blockchain can make a significant impact on your business. But before that, let’s understand the future of blockchain in the business world.

Blockchain technology offers numerous benefits to businesses and introduces new ways to revamp existing business models while lowering costs, reducing intermediary time consumption, and increasing trust in an ecosystem. Our Blockchain Solutions are tailored to help your business attain an unprecedented level of tech adoption that will make your everyday business endeavors much easier and more rewarding.

At ScoriLab, we can assist your business in implementing blockchain technology. Whether you need to enhance your business security, transparency, traceability, efficiency, and speed, or simply develop a fast and robust decentralized payment system, we are ready to take your business to the next level.



SEO Optimization

Get your website standout on first search results

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SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In the simplest of terms, good SEO optimizes your visibility online. This means that the more people see your website, the more your online traffic increases, and the better your chances to provide your product or service to a greater number of people. Let’s break down why SEO is so important.

Google search results display on an infinite scroll, meaning that new results populate as you continue scrolling down. While this means that your results might make it onto the first page (even if they’re the 100th result), the number of clicks and impressions a webpage receives drop off substantially after the first 5-10 links. When you type in a Google search, how often does a potential customer venture down to the tenth or twentieth result? Chances are, they rarely have to because the first few options at the top—below the advertisements of course—contain the information they requested in their search query.



Cultural Consultancy

Get your business ready to conquer new markets

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When companies both big and small begin looking into exporting their products and services into new regions, the risks can be considerable but the rewards can also be incredibly lucrative.

Effective communication with potential culturally different customers is at the heart of the global expansion process. It always accounts for a new market’s business culture, new product/service release, due diligence, or evaluating and signing contractual agreements with prospective distributors and suppliers. That’s why we also provide our clients with gold-standard advisory services.

At ScoriLab, our consultancy network and team of subject-matter experts are comprised of a number of business minds, all with decades’ worth of experience across a range of international business fields. Their scope covers most regions of the world.

Our cultural consultants will help you market your products and services the right way, making sure your contents are fluent and culturally adapted for your target markets.



Sentiment Analysis

Get a solid analysis of how your brand is perceived

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Our social media and web listening solutions and tools will help you see what’s being said about your brand. It helps you engage with customers everywhere and spy on the competition.

10 years ago, managing one’s social media accounts was a walk in the park. In today’s world, keeping up with ALL social media platforms is almost a mission impossible.

Let’s face it: there are too many sources, too many customers, and too many voices. Every time you miss something, it could end up being a costly complaint from a valued customer, or an endorsement from a powerful influencer.

So, why risk missing any of these?

We know you can’t cover all social platforms in real time. That’s why we, at ScoriLab, are ready to help you keep a good brand reputation. Our real-time solutions are always listening.



Business Automation

Get the automation you need to achieve efficiency

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Why feel frustrated handling repetitive administrative tasks all day when you can feel great getting them done in less time?

Essentially, running a business means becoming your company’s chief “everything” officer. And when you decide to build a team, there are still chances for human errors, delays, less productivity, and lack of enthusiasm, regardless of the available workforce.

Whether you’re a solopreneur or entrepreneur with a team, someone may be doing things inefficiently. Some things will naturally fall through the cracks — and you might run yourself into the ground trying to fix them.

That’s why you need business automation.

Automation for businesses refers to using technology to perform business tasks faster, easier, and more accurately with minimal human intervention.

For example, you can use workflow automation software to automate email follow-ups.

If you intend to build your brand and its reliability, focus on implementing essential automation for your business. According to Salesforce,  businesses that used automation had a 1.6x increase in brand growth than those that didn’t.

With our selected automation for businesses available, you can use technology to simplify tasks, streamline workflow, minimize manual labor, improve business operations — and ultimately save time. Take care of your business and let ScoriLab experts help you have automation software in place.



Security Assessment

Get your business network secured.

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Two key ways for businesses to combat online security dangers in real time are increased visibility and responsive network protection. Through our dedicated web security partners, ScoriLab offers adaptable solutions for businesses to monitor activity and quickly isolate threats — should they occur.

We can help you with our sophisticated technologies that monitor the behavior of users already inside – and attempting to breach – the perimeter, to deliver comprehensive network protection.

Our web security solutions can also identify and isolate harmful threats and malware, with adaptable tools that help to prevent your business network from being exposed.

Awareness of the latest global security trends and enhancing collaboration is central to how ScoriLab works within business networks to protect them.

Let us protect your business from cybercrimes before it is too late.



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